How this wishlist website works
Create a wishlist account at MyEList All you need is an email address and to choose your own password.
This enables us to show you your wishlist and your items each time you visit.
- Create a wishlist Name it so that your friends and family will
recognise that it belongs to you. You can have one wishlist or many.
- Add items to your list.There are a number of ways this can be done.Click Here for example
- Add any commentsIt is possible to add your own
comments next to an item, for example you might like to state which colour you want.
- Rate your itemRating your item will show your friends and family which presents you would prefer most.
- Add your friends and family to your list using their email addressThis gives the flexibility
to decide who sees your wishlist. You can also print the wishlist, or email it to people.
- Friends and family visit MyEListWhen your friends and family have been added to your wishlist
if they create a wishlist account too, using their email address, they will see your wishlist automatically.
- Reserve ItemsEach guest to your wishlist can select to reserve any item on your wishlist.
This is only visible to other guests, so all your friends and family will know who is getting you which
present, without you knowing!
- Buy you a present!The guests on your wishlist will then need to buy the present. They
can do this online, by clicking on the item and being redirected to the site you found the item,
or they can do it the traditional way and go shopping!