Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I have to enter a username and password?
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This is so you have your own unique view of MyEList website. This enables the system to show you which Wish Lists you own, which wishists you are a guest on, as well as which shops you have added to your view.
We take your privacy seriously and your information is not visible to anyone else on the internet, unless you specifically give them access to one of your wish lists.
How do I view my wishlist?
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Log in to the website. All you need is an email address and a password.
After you have logged in successfully, your own personal view will be displayed.
In the furthest most left hand pane you will see all the wishlists you have access to.
The wish lists that you own are listed first, followed by any wishlist that you have visitor access to.
How do I create a wishlist?
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The left hand pane has a button at the top.
Click this button and fill in the fields to create yourself a new wish list. Give your wishlist a name and a description.
What can I use my wishlist for?
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You can use your wish list for whatever you like. Some ideas we have are for compiling a wish list for your birthday, or for christmas.
You can then invite all your friends and relatives to view what presents are on your wish list. They can reserve items so there will be no duplication.
This can also be used for wishlists such as wedding gift registry, as two or more people can own a wishlist and add items they all like.
The wish list can also be used to compile in one place all your shortlists. For example, you want to shop for a holiday. It allows you to put all your shortlisted holidays on one page, regardless that they could be from several different travel shops.
Can I view which items on the gift registry have been reserved?
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No! You can't have the surprise ruined!
How do I add someone else to my wish list?
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There are two levels of access to a wishlist possible
You can add another Owner. This will mean that the person can add items to the wishlist, remove items to the wishlist, edit items.
You can also add a visitor to your wishlist. When a visitor logs in they can see all the items you have added to the wish list. They also have the ability to Reserve an item so that any other visitor can see their intention to buy that item.
How do I add an item to my wishlist?
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Once your wishlist is created, it is only natural that you will want to populate it.
At the top of your wish list there is a button captioned 'Add'. Simply click on this button to display a form for adding your item.
You can populate your wishlist by supplying the URL of the item you want to add into the first field on the form and clicking the 'Get Details' Button.
In your Internet Browser, at your selected website, find the page which shows the item you like.
In the address bar you will find the URL of the item
Select all the characters in your address bar and copy this into the first field on the form.
Once the details have been populated you can change them if you want to, then click the button to add the item to your list.
You can also add the details manually, selecting your own picture and giving the item a title and description of your choice.
What if the details have not been populated correctly from the address I supplied?
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Not all websites will be able to populate your fields correctly. If the information you wanted is not correct you can change the details before you add the item to your wishlist, or after by clicking the edit button. You can change the image for the item by clicking the Alter Image button.
You can select a chunk of text and copy and paste this into your fields, such as the description field if this gives you the result you desire.
Does reserving an item mean I have to buy it?
Answer »
Reserving an item on a wish list does not place an order with any retailer.
All it does is set a flag on that item to say you wish to buy it. This is so that other viewers of the wish list can see someone else wants to buy that item.
This saves time phoning round all the friends and relatives to find out which item they are going to buy and which ones are left that you can buy!
It is still up to you to then place the order with the retailer. This does not have to be done online. You can still go down to the local shops and buy the item, even from a different retailer if you are lucky enough to find it cheaper!
If you are unable to purchase the item on the wishlist and decide to get another item, or find something that will be even more perfect for the recipient, simply go back to the wishlist and select the 'UnReserve' button.
How can I change an item once it is on my wish list?
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Once the item is in your wish list, it is still possible to change any of the fields associated with the item.
Simply click the 'Edit' button below the item in your wish list.
You can assign a different picture, add a comment, alter the price etc.
How can I keep track of all the items I have reserved?
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If you are buying presents for a lot of people (for example at Christmas), you might like to keep track of what you intend to buy.
Why not create your own wishlist, which only you can see and simply copy the items you have reserved onto your wishlist, adding a comment to indicate who the present is for?
This makes sense as some online retailers will not charge for delivery if the order is over a certain amount.
Each item in a wishlist has a 'Copy' button. Click on this button and you will get the choice of which wishlist you can copy it to. Once it is in your wishlist you can then Edit the item to add your own comments.
What are my favourite shops?
Answer »
On the furthest right hand side of the screen is a menu which gives quick links to some of the shops you might like to visit. As this list is quite large, you might like to add the ones you use the most to your Favourite Shop list.
This list is located to the left of the Complete Shop List.
To add websites to your favourite view you can click on the round button next to the website name in the Complete Shop List.
Alternatively, if your favourite shopping site is not in the Complete list, you can add it to your own Favourite List by clicking the big button on top of your favourites list and fill in the fields as prompted.
Contact Us
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Please feel free to contact us with any problems you might be experiencing, or indeed we welcome any suggestions for further ways to improve our site.
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